Flash is where it all started online for me. I found Newgrounds in 1999 at the age of 14. It was one of the first ( if not the first ) place on the internet where you could upload your own movies and games for all to enjoy. I made an account in 2000 but didn’t create anything for it until 2003. Newgrounds is where I met everyone who I worked with for the subsequent 15+ years, including Shawn ( Afro-Ninja ) who I’d eventually make Soda Dungeon with. Our first collaboration was for Newgrounds, 2006, when I was still in college!
Click on the images to open the game/movie on Newgrounds.com, where they figured out how to archive Flash content so you can still watch and play it even though most browsers no longer support the plugin.
2017 -- Soda Dungeon Lite --- At this point the Flash era was basically gone with Youtube and Mobile games taking over. I was working mostly on Soda Dungeon and not much else. This is a demo version of the game for Flash intended as mostly promotion.
2014 - Bionic ChainSaw Pogo Gorilla Game was made for Adult Swim! Huge and weird.

2014 --- Super Rad Awesome--- Deathink made this game where you find stuff from the Good vs Evil Pixel Poster I made with Rog. Those posters are sweet.
2013 -- Territory War 3 -- Made some art for Shawn's game again!
2013 - Chocolate Run --- Cute valentine's day theme game. Testing the appeal of a G-rated game for once.
2013 --- Super Rad Awesome--- Deathink made this game where you find stuff from the Spring Pixel Poster I made with Rog. Those posters are sweet.
2013 -- Evolvo Plus! -- I added a ton of stuff to my basic Evolvo game to try and sell it to a sponsor. It worked. Kinda.
2012 --- Frozen Pixel Hunt--- Deathink made this game where you find stuff from the Winter Pixel Poster I made with Rog. Those posters are sweet.
2012 --- Hunt of Horror --- Deathink made this game where you find stuff from the Halloween Pixel Poster I made with Rog. Those posters are sweet.
2012 -- GOON: The game --- Adult Swim paid us to make this game to promote the movie Goon! We got to watch the movie before it was release in theatres. That was cool.
2012 -- Evolvo -- A more advanced game fully programmed by me. It's at this point that I discovered that programming is easy, but programming something that isn't a laggy buggy mess is hard. Game was still awesome.
2012 -- Dreamalyzer -- I made a game about analyzing dreams. It generates random bullshit, because anlyzing dreams sounds like random bullshit to me.
2012 -- ABOBO'S BIG ADVENTURE --- Probably the greatest flash retro game ever made. It's huge! We worked a long time on this. Follow Abobo through many classic NES games.
2011 -- Insanity Box 2 --- Solo game I made for a contest. I really dug deep on that one, this game is huge. And was laggy.
2011 -- Anatomy Challenge Part One --- I challenged myself to draw every single photo from an anatomy book, in a month. This is the second half of those drawings.
2011 -- Anatomy Challenge Part One --- I challenged myself to draw every single photo from an anatomy book, in a month. This is the first half of those drawings.
2011 -- Genius Quiz --- I made this game mostly for myself. Can you tell if someone is a genius or a serial killer based on their face? ( no of course not lol )
2011-- Tsunami Fighter --- We made this little game to raise donations for the victims of the Tsunami in Japan.
2011 ---- Charlie Sheen - Winning --- I made this in 3 days based on Charlie Sheen going insane in the news cycle at the time. Game did very well for having taken so little time to make.
2010 --- The Snow Runs Red --- Christmas semi-remake of the arcade game "Smash TV".
2010 -- Super Mario Bros BP Oil Spill -- Collab game made about the BP Oil spill that has just happened. Again riding the news cycle. It kind of worked! You could make something short, semi-crappy but topical and it'd get feature a bunch of places.
2010 --- I am not a Witch! --- Solo game made basically based on a Colbert Report / Daily Show target of the time, Christine O'Donell, who was a conservative Christian running for like.. state office? They gave her the Sarah Palin "look how dum she be" treatment. I made this game in a week to experiment riding on the news cycle.
2010 --- Carve and Share --- Collab game with Evil Dog where you could carve a pixely pumpkin and share your design with the Newgrounds community. Cool.
2010 -- Skepquiz 2 --- Another quiz made based on skeptic-themed questions.
2009 --- Santa Fu --- Christmas-themed Kung Fu (NES) remake
2009 --- Monster Time --- Halloween-theme Burger Time remake.
2009 --- Skepquiz --- Game -- I was big into the Skeptic movement by that point and made a quiz about it.
2009 -- Vote on the t-shirts --- I think I made a bunch of t-shirts for some reason.
2008 -- Punch Tom Out -- Game -- Solo game I created sponsored by Newgrounds, where you box Tom Fulp, owners and creator of the site. He made voices for it haha.
2008 -- The Insanity Box -- Game --- Full solo game I made as I started learning how to code. Inspired by "The Impossible Quiz" and "WarrioWare". At this point I would make 500-2000$ for a game lol. I considered this "enough".
2008 -- Territory War Online --- Game -- I made some art for this game that Shawn created.
2007 -- Trick-or-Treat Adventure --- Game --- Huge collab with Rog and Nick. Point-and-click adventure like Monkey Island. We made SOME money from this. Enough to where it motivated me to continue with making games.
2007 -- Deconstructor --- Game -- Top down shooter. At this point you could start making mone with Flash games! Not a lot though.
2006 -- Ivan Dragon Justice Enforcer --- Game --- Another collab with Nick (Bomtoons) and Rog ( I-Mock ). We got a copyright strike for this I think, we had to rename it to "Russian Boxer".
2006 -- Haunted House Candy Hunt ---- Game --- Atari-Style pixel game made with I-Mock and Bomtoons, who I went on to work on many projects with.
2006 --- Pickleman's Green Thumb! ---- Game ----- First pixel game I did the art for. I discovered that it was way easier to make accurate-looking pixel games than good-looking non pixel games.
2006 - Newgrounds Museum 2 -- Game ----- First thing I ever made with Afro-Ninja! Turned a sequel to my "popular" NGM2 movie into a more interactive experience.
2006 - Make Chuck Norris Cry ---- Game ---- This was a student project to learn Flash. Chuck Norris Jokes were big at the time.
2006 -- Pickleman's Breakfast Battle --- Movie ---- This was my final project for an animation class in college.
2005 - Pico's Cousin 2 --- Game ---- I made some artwork for this game inspired by Newgrounds's flagship character.
2004 --- Pickleman's Valentine Day Date --- Game ---- Small game I made featuring Pickleman, kind of like a Valentine's day card. If you make holiday-themes things, they feature them more in season!
2004 --- Tier ---- Movie ---- Music video set to Rammstein's song "Tier".
2004 - The Trio ---- movie ----- Set to Enio Morricone's song "The Trio" from "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". I drew this on paper, scanned them in and colored them in photoshop before importing it in Flash. Makes it pretty bad. I stopped doing this.
2003 - The Newgrounds Museum Tutorial -- -- I made a photoshop tutorial to teach people the 3 things I knew about Photoshop at the time.
2003 - The Newgrounds Museum -- Game -- Just badly drew a bunch of Newgrounds' most iconic characters of the time. Was still learning Photoshop.
2003 - The Bard's Song ---- Movie ------- Just a redraw of one of Newgrounds' most popular submissions of the time. First thing I ever made for Newgrounds!