Car Camping Conversion - Part 2

Ok I got the car:
Here’s a huge list of stuff to pack:

Bike Clothes

8 bike kits so that I can go a week without doing laundry. Gotta wear clean gear every day, especially during hot humid weather.

Bike Clothes 2 - Bad Weather Gear

Winter/ rain/ cold weather bike gear. Very necessary for biking in mountains and during uncertain weather forecasts, as I surely will.


Typical bathroom stuff and more shower related things so I can clean up right after rides and not sit in my car while being crusted up in salt and sweat. Really want to do all I can so my car doesn’t smell like a dumpster when I get back, I’ve seen what driving just a few hours with 3 post-rides sweaty dudes in a van…

Just some foods/supplements I take daily that you can bring on a long trip/vacation so that your nutrition doesn’t completely go to hell.

Street Clothes

Enough clothes to last a week. Waterproof shoes for hiking, flip flops for shower/driving. No need for winter gear.


Art supplies to hopefully sketch stuff on the road. Binoculars because birds. Thermos because coffee. So much coffee.

And there you go, all of this fits nicely in here. Just move stuff around when sleepig/biking.

Time to test it out. This took way too long to get ready. If there’s ever anything you forget or need, there’s always…. stores.
Edit: Test is done, here’s part 3 !

Here’s the amazon links in case it matters!


Car Camping Conversion - Part 3


No Video Games and Existential Boredom