Touring Canada Week 17 - Final Official Week! Over 13 000m elevation.
*** Lost my laptop in Vancouver. Had all my travel working files and lots of pics… thankfully I kept this blog going or the entire thing would be gone by now. Some of this will be missing/wonky this week.
Last “official” week of my tour! Just packed this one full of as many climbs as I could. Ended with the famed “Triple Crown” ride in Vancouver with some friends old and new.
About 45 minute drive from Banff, there is the more remote ( but still ultra touristy ) region of Lake Louise, which has the ever-popular emerald green lake in front of the Glaciers. I’ve seen it several times on dating apps. Everyone “adventures” to that lake, which is literally right off a parking lot. CONGRATS.
Ten Mile Hill
Left the cool parts of the rockies behind that day. Driving down the Ten Mile Hill I had the dumb idea of stopping in Golden and just doing the climb. I felt really good on it. Then pretty good on Revelstoke, which is the highest paved climb in Canada, at 1405 meters of climbing.
That made two days in a row with over 2000m of climbing!
Sadly I lost most of the pictures for this, including pics of the World’s Largest Paddle. Boo.
Silver Star Road
Another day of lost pics. Silver Star is a beefy 1200m climb to a ski resort. It’s not very steep. You take what you can get in Canada! Vernon is in the Okanagan Valley, with the dry desert landscapes that are such a contrast with the coastal or inland rockies. Looks like Arizona.
Was trying to keep my 2000m/day streak going so I found this other climb near Kamloops, where I planned to stay. Was right in the desert and just went to some lake and back. Not worth a detour but it added 700m elevation to my day…
Pics for these were still on my phone, thankfully. Kamloops is a very scenic town bisected by the Thompson River. The entire city is built basically on a 500m cliff, Newfoundland style. If you take the Coquihalla highway out, you gain 1600m of elevation over 35-40km.
Ashcroft is a tiny mining desert town in the middle of nowhere, at the bottom of a canyon, on highway 97. The views from Kamloops to Ashcroft are absolutely stunning and unique though, worth the detour.
Streak still alive, over 10000m after that day. That’s more than Everest! Was still going strong, somehow. Felt grateful to be in a shape where I can bike like this every day and never have to rest.
Squamish was one of the only places in BC where you can park and sleep. BC is very anti-camper life. Has a huge violent hobo problem and lots of hobo-campers douchewads who just abused the hell out of Wal-Marts and Rest Stops, living there semi-permanently and dumping their trash/sewer water all over, or just wrecking the bathrooms.
Instead of solving the problem ( with bullets ) governments / commerces have mostly decided to ban overnight parking, punishing the 99% of people who did nothing wrong. They enforce this by towing vehicles and having security knock on camper doors in the middle of the night.
Another joyous benefits of a large drugged-out hobo population. Hurray.
This is the “Big Ride” people do in Vancouver. They call it Triple Crown but there’s really just two mountains in the area. Still this nets you >2700m of elevation. The two mountains ( Seymore and Cypress ) have very nicely paved roads and somewhat gentles gradients. I’d be here a lot if I lived in Vancouver.
Rest of the city seems pretty crap though.
Over 13 000 meters climbed that week, almost 30 hours on the saddle. Glorious end to the whole trip, despite losing my laptop… Ultimately still decided to go to the USA for a bonus week!
Thanks for reading and checking my blog! I’m glad I kept up with it otherwise all of this would be completely lost along with my laptop and my memory is garbage so I would remember none of this.
One last week after this and back to Victoria it is.
If you made it this far, feel free to join my Instagram and/or Strava!