2024 Year Review

1- Get a Gravel Bike - A

Used it TWICE so far! Wow

2- Get Cat 1 w/kg - A

Started the year at 162 lbs with previous max 20watt power of 365 putting me at 4.95 w/kg.
Summer peak: 154lbs and 370w, so now up to 5.28 w/kg, essentially right at my “mid level cat1” goal.
Caveat: Pretty sure my power meter is reading high. and 154 was also my morning weight, not actual riding weight which is probably more 156.
So likely closer to 156/355 watts, just about 5 w/kg.

2a- Get UCI PRO w/kg - F

I think there’s no chance I’ll ever get to 5.5. I hate training, I clearly do not have the genetics, I’m almost 40 and I’m too muscular / heavy. Like literally my bone structure is bad.

3- Do Blueprint - B-

Very big protocol and lots of research.

- Hair Care. Stuck to everything but the microneedling. Good results for minox/fin so will keep at this for probably life. All about maintenance.
- Skin Health. Just doing a morning and night cream + morning moisturizer ( with sunscreen in the summer ). Sunscreen outdoors always of course.
- Oral Health. I got an electric toothbrush, that’s my upgrade. Didn’t stick to the tongue scrapper daily. No news to report from dentist.
- Sleep. Did good all year, going to sleep early and waking up at 5-7am even while on trips in Hawaii / Canary Islands. The trick is to be bored and physically tired!
- No more video games. Man that was a fail. Just have no willpower to do other things some days.
- Supplements. Will keep the fish oil, vitamin D, creatine(2-5g), beta-alanine(4g). Don’t know that the rest affected anything.
- Food: Mostly maintained during the year. I hate being 158-160 I want to be around 150.
- Training: Mostly fail, didn’t even make a serious training plan. Didn’t go to a gym to do leg press or squats or whatever. Someone would have to force me to do this basically.

4 - Sell some Portraits and do live in-Person ones - A

Here are the sold ones:

Full art dump for 2024: https://www.thepoxbox.com/posts/2024art

Drawing people live:

Here’s one drawing I made of a girl at Booster Juice…

6- More Dates - 4/12

Had a quite short summer fling and that’s about it. Could have messaged way more but it gets boring and tiresome. The ones I like don’t like me back and vice-versa. I guess my standards are too high for what I offer.

7- Finish IMDB Top250…. again - 99% Done

Mostly got it. Got too many foreign movies with no subtitles in their original language though. Fortunately most of them seemed terrible. These lists have a HUGE bias towards dramas which is what lower budget foreign movies tend to be and not the other more represented genre on the list of big budget blockbusters ( Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Dark Knight, Jurassic Park…).

If I ever do this again I am skipping the old movies and will be wary of foreign ones…

Here’s some of the better movies I watched this year that I hadn’t seen or were new additions:

8- Hike in Strathcona - Fail

Tried to set this up multiple times with people this year but never happened and I don’t want to go and do it alone for safety reasons. I feel kind of uneasy alone in the mountains. Maybe it’s something to get over or maybe it’s something it’s smart to NOT get over.

9- Do a handstand - Fail

Yeah I didn’t do it. NOBODY CARES


Honestly a pretty good year all things considered. Markets went up a lot, traveled in Europe alone for first time and figured it out pretty well. Did my drawings and learned more about the tools.

Became an uncle! Not something I did but still something nice that happened and it’s been good!

Have to keep on top of the weight and eating better for 2025. Fat is like credit card debt. You repay it as you get it, you don’t let it accumulate. You don’t reward yourself for “only being 100$ in debt” by getting 1000$ into debt.
For some reason this is people’s mentality when it comes to food. If you indulge in a box of donuts one day you’ll have to cut back on about that much later on. It ain’t free.

Got into Origami for a bit in the winter. Got to intermediate/advanced level I would say. That Marlin took like 5 hours to make it’s crazy what people can do.

Got Blackberry port made with 35 pounds of Blackberries I picked. 31 bottles! It’s great.

Got 2nd in the Mt. Washington Hill Climb. Not bad out of like 40 people.

Visited all these islands ( in green ). Will finish in 2025 hopefully! These are all the ones open to the public ( ferry service or bridge ).



2025 Resolutions


Maui Rides!