Maui Rides!
Last leg of my trip. Had to drop by Maui to do Haleakala, the world’s biggest paved climb ( supposedly ).
Spent the previous day traveling and unpacking. It’s always quite a hassle, I think in the future I’ll try to stay 2 weeks in the same place before moving around. Only did a short ride to drop by a bike shop and get a spare part. Rest of the day was spent walking to the grocery store and hauling back 10 days worth of groceries. I bought 60 eggs lol. Cooked them all at the same time to make egg salad sandwiches.
Met up with the local bike group for a thanksgiving ride. It was nice to bike with people but having to show up at 7am 40 minutes away makes me sad. They just did an out-and-back but I decided to part ways and do the full West Maui loop.
Had planned to do the East Maui loop but the south road is under construction so I turned back and did Waipoli road instead. That road is just an endless series of super steep switchbacks that climb up the side of Haleakala it stops at 1900m elevation or which is still a pretty crazy climb all things considered.
This is the most notorious drive on the Island. The road narrows in many places to cross rivers and little gulches and cars have to stop and let the opposite traffic pass. It sounds like the most maddening place you could possibly go on a vacation. Unless you’re on a bike and just sneak around the traffic like I did. Then it’s a fun twisty road!
#2 Climb in the USA and #30 in the world! Tried to do a good time on it but brought way too little water and food, as I do. This was definitely the highlight of the trip’s riding for me, no other climb has better roads and better views, especially as you can look into the crater from the peak. Reminded me of La Palma.
Last ride because my legs hurt and my bike was starting to make too many annoying noises of things that need to be greased and/or cleaned. Decided to use my last day to snorkel more instead!
That’s it for Hawaii riding! It’s truly a pretty amazing and gorgeous place. Too bad it’s so expensive and sparsely populated. Happy I got to cover most of the islands and despite a few hiccups and days of stress, we got it done.
Very last day I am sitting at this nearby cafe for 6 hours before I need to head to the airport for… more sitting around because my flight is at midnight. Fortunately I left it to the last minute to edit this blog and my snorkel videos! Already spent 5 hours doing this here and still more to do. PEAK EFFICIENCY!
Thanks for reading!